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Old October 16th 05, 08:25 AM
Scan Da Bands
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Default WTB:Windows compatible software for Optoelectronics 456

Mike I run Probe 7.0 on the 2006/Opto 456 combo with an IBM 390 laptop
and it is a match made in heaven.........Scancat Gold doesn't even
come close and Yes I've used both.....ScanCat might be "prettier" but
the Probe - wow. The logging events alone "dust" ANY software I've
used with my setup. And also I have used Probe from within XP also and
it worked fine , but I like the older laptops as to have it dedicated
to the 456....they also are a bit cheaper. Oh and I run the FULL Opto
456 , hope that's what you have (doesn't matter but you'll miss out
kind of sorta without being able to decode the
CTSS,DCS,etc.)........Probe - WELL WORTH THE PRICE my friend......if
you decide not to go with the combo , let me know I would be glad to
"take it off your hands" as long as we could agree and all that happy

KRAKULA if you read this did you get the info on that disk I
mentioned.....I found a WORD document with some info on it.....

On Sat, 15 Oct 2005 17:57:16 -0700, "Mike"


Thanks for the feedback. Probe seems like a good choice. I looked at the
Probe site the other day and they have a major disclaimer on compatibility
with all the new Windows OS's. The interesting part, is they don't offer a
demo version, so you can't confirm the compatibility. I don't mind buying
software, but it's a gamble, spending $60.00 for their software. With a bit
of luck , a used copy, might show up on Ebay or a ham site. Less invested
should it prove incompatible.


"krackula" wrote in message
.. .

Probe is by far and wide the most desirable software for that set up.
you can often get 80 to 100 channels scan rate with it.
( closer to 80 most of the time )

you can keep unlimited scanning freq files in your computer for an
unlimited number of channels, and Probe will convert standard
formats of FCC frequency disks to make things much easier for you.

the other programs like Scancat look kewl ( their GUIs ) but are
painfully slow as compared to Probe. Scancat , for example , makes
a nice " manual " control for your scanner , when you want to use it
as a tunable receiver.


On Sat, 15 Oct 2005 13:12:34 -0700, "Mike"

I have a Pro2006, with a Opto-456 card, and decided to fire it up with

computer attached. The software I got with the Opto board is dated. I see
there are several programs available, but they all seem to have

on their compatibility with the latest Windows versions.So, rather than

a new copy to play with and waste the money, I'm looking for a used copy.
Scancat Gold, Probe or similar, which will work with the Opto-456.
