Amateur (And ARRL Staffer ta-boot) Appointed to IEEE Programs...No Mention Of Lennie Anderson Serving Anyone or Anything But Himself....
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October 16th 05, 07:48 PM
[email protected]
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Amateur (And ARRL Staffer ta-boot) Appointed to IEEE Programs...No Mention Of Lennie Anderson Serving Anyone or Anything But Himself....
From: on Oct 15, 7:48 am
K4YZ wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
ARRL Lab Manager is guest lecturer (Oct 12, 2005) --
Steve, what a shame that you take a peice of good news and turn it into
hate spam trash.
Quite the contrary, Brian. I celebrate Ed's appointments and have
great respect for his accomplishments. More power to him.
Hi! I'm absolutely positive that Ed appreciates your
"Subject: Amateur (And ARRL Staffer ta-boot) Appointed to IEEE
Programs...No Mention Of Lennie Anderson Serving Anyone or Anything But
posting here. Not!
Dudly the Imposter is still obsessed with HATE of certain
individuals and can't help himself.
Serving after serving of A$$hole Flambeau. I honestly don't know how
he does it.
By the way, I'm not nor have I ever been on any IEEE Standards
Committee. Dudly confuses me with Carl Stevenson who is running
for Member At Large on an IEEE Standards Committee. My ballot for
the IEEE Election was mailed early...but I cannot vote on Carl's
name since I'm not on any Standards Committee.
I just voted for Jim Weaver, Great Lakes Division. We don't
necessarily agree on things, but the man has kept me informed, unlike
so many of his ARRL predecessors.
Proof of Dudly's HATE is expressed by his contemptuous add-on to
the ARRL news item headline. He MUST express his HATE at every
opportunity. That's a very sick syndrome that keeps getting
repeated in here.
He's probably on a "persons of interest" list in his home state. One
day he's gonna pop and his neighbors won't be saying, "I'm so suprised,
he was such a..." Instead they'll be saying, "I told you he was gonna
You should be ashamed of yourself, that is if you
had any shame.
And what about YOUR shame, Brian? Your open, "unashamed"
pronouncement of your admiration for a creep whose lies and deceit
about the very radio service in which you are a licensee are well
You were also my mentor for a short while. And that shamed me
horribly. I do have a conscience and couldn't keep up the new,
insulting thread subjects, the incessant claims of "liar," etc, etc,
Dudly the Ugly flies again.
It's in his nature.
If he had this same attitude and disagreed with Jim, Dave, or Kelly...
We can go on and on about your other silliness, ie your lying
about Somalia, "emergency comms", "ARES won't respond", etc etc etc,
but we all know it too well.
Somalia is true. You're simply envious.
Tsk. Somalia must not have been one of the "seven hostile
actions" that Dudly the Imposter claimed to have been "in."
Here's a newsflash: Steve was in no hostile actions.
His envy is so strong that his epidermal layers must contain
chlorophyl! :-)
He consumes "Soylent Green."
Emergency comms are true, and cell phones are a fact of life.
"ARES" as a voluntary agency will respond as they are able to.
All true.
"Truth" in Dudly's world is of Orwellian confusion of opposite
meanings. Dudly's "truth" is in his imagination. Everyone
else's truth is a "lie" according to Dudly.
You know, I tried to cut the man a break when tragedy visited his
household. But he was this way long, long, before that. You'd think
that he'd walk away from such a tragedy thinking that life is too
short, sometimes far, far too short to be squandering it with such
behavio[u]r. I pity the man.
Dudly seems to live in a world composed entirely of
squibs, vicariously existing in amateur radio announcements
by OTHERS. Note that he does not actually participate in
ANY of the functions' news items he posts. Fantasy world of
his is constantly on display.
He did say that he went to New Orleans in a rescue roll. I thanked him
for his service. Then he $hits on me.
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