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November 5th 04, 02:14 PM
David Stinson
Posts: n/a
I am in the process of selling some equipment on e-bay, and I
wonder waht is the most secure way of receiving payment from foreign
countries...probably the far east, as tubes are involved..My previous
experience has been minimal, and my bank balked at foreign money
orders, and one bank actually wanted to charge me to cash it..I don't
do PAY PAL, so what are the options...Are international postal money
orders through the USPS workable...what about wire transfers, for
small dealing ($500.00 or there abouts)...Would appreciate the groups
expertise...I will follow the thread..Thanks...
I've been doing these transactions since 1997.
First- you limit yourself by not working with PayPal.
I hear a few horror stories, but I've had excellent service
since they started and the fees are very reasonable.
I think you only hear about the 1% that have trouble.
It makes for better stories ;-).
Most of my tube transactions with Asia have been either PayPal
or International Postal Money Order, denominated in dollars.
A few have even sent cash, although this is generally a
European thing. I once got 5 Euros,
which I accepted just for amusement's sake.
My bank (Bank One) has never given me a moment's trouble
about the money orders.
Do NOT agree to a wire transfer to your bank account.
Never give an individual your bank or credit card info.
Many times, these are scams designed to harvest your
bank information, then harvest your deposits.
I recommend PayPal. It's the future.
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