Big Johnson Desk KW Amp!
Hello MDW:
Yeah I am sure it would heat up a radio room on a cold night.
Man look at the price this old KW amp is going for, 3300 American
Dollars, TILT!
The amp shouldn't draw that much juice, since its only a stock ham band amp.
I worked on a amp that used two each 3CX300A7 Tubes, for Spectral
Analyst, a tool in mining. It drew an RF Arc, in a special chamber, and
the spectral light was looked and photographed by a optical analyzer,
that gave out the content for the material being tested. And it didn't
draw that much power, it didn't trip the 40 amp circuit bearkers that
supplied the 220 volts power to it. After the testing I plugged the
clothes dryer back in.
It just drew a lot of current when it was in transmit operation, but
that was just for a short while. So it didn't take a lot of juice for a
long period of time. But if it did that would be expenive. Kind of like
when the kid left his electric ceiling heater on for a few days.
Or the air compress runs open loon for a few days, because the air hose
Edison isn't too bad. But they got upset when I disabled there power
lock out assembly, when they locked out my power, after I paid all the
Bills. I handed it back to them at there payment center.
Jay in the Mojave
Ownwer 1967 Ford F250 4x4 truck, got new 150 amp alternator, guess what
comes next!
Would roll up the drivers side window on the 67 truck, if I had one.
5 Kollage credits, 3 for passing the class, and 2 for leaving early.
Graduated high school in the same school as Cheech and Chong, in LA.
Member of local Ham Radio Club, great bunch of guys.
MDW So Calif wrote:
I bet you can set a pot of coffee on that puppy and warm it up.
I did not see but anyone know how many amps it pulls?
Here in this part of So. Cal you need stock in So Cal. Edison.
Hey Jaybird, could you afford to run this out there?