What is rec.radio.shortwave for?
On Mon, 17 Oct 2005 00:31:43 GMT, Dan Conti wrote:
o What is rec.radio.shortwave for?
It is a place where people who want to talk about everything OTHER than
shortwave radio or HF post the mosr inane, INSANE, childish drivel ever
known to man, on an antiquated place in the Internet universe called
USENET that has seen it's day a LONG time ago.
You really want to learn about and discuss SW and HF?
Go to the world wide web, where intelligent forums at places such as
Strong Signals, Radio Reference and the YAHOO groups are moderated.
If you want to read sputem from borderline inbred retards such as
CUHULIN, stay here.
You lost me around antiquated. That's when I started the drooling and
the glazed eyeballs.