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Old October 18th 05, 09:30 PM
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Default an open Invite to those that fell that teling ones kids to lie on the net is child abuse

nobodys old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

(UNSNIP)...result the dianosis of Dyslexia and the Dylesoid aphasia


Mark, if you're going to seek sympathy for yourself with various
maladies, pick maladies that really exist.

There is no such thing as "Dylesoid aphasia". Not even close to a
real "diagnosis".

the beginging of the specail ed dept efforts to try and cram enough
Morse Code into my head to pass the dammed test, they were not
sucfessull, at this point in my life I was still fool enough to be very
honest I should have allowed it when I was offered a faked morse code
passing grade

Too many typos to mention.

I rate this one just below the "I am a drafted Colonel" story...

but this is only a partial list Stevie One I don't bother remeber any
one right now. Two becuase I am pretty sure a number of such charges
were made, filed and forgotten with out a word to me

They are never "forgotten".

you accused me of paranoia wrt Social Services. that was and remains a
load of ####.


But if it let's you sleep better, go right on ahead thinking it
is, Mark.

I would ahve to fear them for it to be paranoia. I have
nothing but contempt for them. any one that follows the news and hear
how in capple these agencies are at there mission (by seeing the
reports fo stuff they have allowed to go on for year) should also hold
them in distain, IMO

"disdain", among others.

I can tell you this, Mark...THEY hold someone in "disdain"
themselves...A legal system that allows certain folks to continue to
rack up "charges" yet not face the legal system until something REALLY
bad happens.

Since I laid down this gualtlet only you and ole whinnyslit (who may
well be you as well, I don't know or much care) dare to continue such a

WTF is a "gualtlet"...?!?!

Steve, K4YZ