best material for turning a closet into a Faraday cage
A Faraday cage is an electrostatic shield, not a shield for
electromagnetic fields(*). There would be no advantage to shielding your
equipment from external electrostatic fields.
Shielding your station from electromagnetic fields probably won't solve
any perceived problems, either, and is a much more difficult job. As
others have pointed out, it's often much more difficult to prevent
energy from getting through the shield via power and other conductors
and through seams and door fittings than it is to make the shield
itself. If you don't pay proper attention to the sneak paths where
energy can get in, you're wasting your time making the shield in the
first place.
(*) I found "Faraday cage" in the index of only one of a half dozen
electromagnetics texts. It's not in Terman's _Radio Engineering_ or the
rather old IEEE dictionary I have, either.
Roy Lewallen, W7EL