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Old September 17th 03, 01:25 PM
Cecil Moore
Posts: n/a

Sverre Holm wrote:
Does anyone have any experience with the MFJ monoband mobile HamTenna Whip,
like the 20 m version on
It is a 2.1 m antenna that comes in monoband versions for all bands from 75
m to 6 m at only $19.95 per antenna.
I wonder how it performs, how easy it is to mount on the trunk of a sedan,
and how easy it is to change bands - i.e. changing antennas.

It is base loaded which is a disadvantage but it has a relatively high-Q
coil which is an advantage so it's performance should be similar to a
hamstick. Changing antennas should be similar to a hamstick. Like hamsticks,
reasonable performance is probably limited to 14 MHz and above.
73, Cecil

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