Thread: FAQ
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Old October 21st 05, 05:35 PM
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Default FAQ

On Fri, 21 Oct 2005 07:05:35 -0700, Polymath wrote:

What is Ham Radio?

Ham Radio is a hobby for the type of people who would be in local
government but got thrown out for not being progressive enough. If your
favourite hobby is hosting a committee or writing a new regulation then
this is the hobby for you.

To be a "proper" radio amateur you agree with one or more of the following :

1) I've voted Tory all my life
2) Im Over 50
3) Im Buracratic
4) I smoke a pipe or cigar
5) Im not a racist, I just don't like
-Foreign people
-People who speak differently
-People who are not the same colour as me

6) HF is the one true mode, real radio doesn't use a microphone
7) In my day it was all CW *yawn*
8) Repeaters are for morons
9) Dam young people, fools the lot of them ra ra ra ! Join the RSGB ...
10) Data isn't a 'real' mode
11) Whats wrong with the licence as it is - I see nothing wrong.
12) You should have a NOV for anything that hasn't already been excluded
by the licence
13) Nothing interesting happens above 30Mhz
14) I know all about computers, thats why I hate them
15) I'm a **** hot designer - my radio was designed by a small yellow man
with more skill than me, but im not angry (see 5)
16) I make my own wire antennas that makes me an RF designer
17) People with less skill than me are worthless

If you identify with this then this is the hobby for you. But hurry, be
quick - when all the stupid old ****ers have died out then nobody will be
left ...........