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Old October 21st 05, 10:38 PM
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Default the FBI believe it or not as you choose Stevie

today the FBI returned my call and I spooke to the agent that will be
handling the case

I read her peices from Mr Slit's postings she agreed that a threat
seemed to exist and to contact the police to arrage for protection for
this man, in the conversation it develped between uthe thought that any
Mark Morgan in the phone book and in the UP may be also at risk and so
a memo/bultin will be sent out to UP law enforencement says someone may
attemtpt some type of crime against persona with the name Mark Morgan
based on a case of mistaken ID ( or words to that effect) She also
agreed with me, that likehood of Mr Slit carring out that threat is low

based on the fact I have been told that Mr Slit may be (according
sources I deem of low reliablity) N0VFP she will seek at some point to
have N0VFP questioned to see if he is fact Mr Slit etc

In giving her the background of the case and my history here on RRAP
and the various threats I receive we will sometime next week or the
week after get togther and go thought the archives of RRAP together.
she was not certain wether or not the posts of one K4YZ both in 1998
and 2005 were in fact criminal actions (we discused various 1st
amdement issues and how they might and might not apply), but after
hearing me read the "one shot one kill" post to her that it merits
further investagation and promised that it would receive as soon as her
case load premitted it.

she thanked me for coming to the FBI with this matter even if we should
turn out to chasing the wild aquatic fowl, assured me, by discusing
some the cases she has handled that are similar that I have been
assigned the right agent, and that it was her job, and suggestd that
prehaps with the first posts that I saw as a threat from Stevie would
have receieved action for the FBI if it had been after 9/11. we agred
that the follow up in this case could clearly