Your post pumps me up about my antenna, which just arrived today.
Thanks Gerry!
On Fri, 21 Oct 2005 18:40:13 +0000, Gerry
Hi, never use resonant groundplanes causes more problems than most
people realise. Grounding, using 4 x 8' ground rods, if possible,
spaced about a metre apart helps soak up a lot of noise, try getting
the antenna way above all the houshold electrical noise. Also the A99
groundplane kit works well, giving a noticeable improvment on RTX. To
fit on the I-Max requires some machine work - see previous post. In
design, the I-Max is very similar to the Golden Penetrator from bygone
years, being a 6/8 wl and a very good antenna as a result.
Buther Boy Wrote:
Here's a question that I'm a bit unsure about. I could use a 9 foot
piece of wire for a counterpoise that would be resident on 27.000 MHz.
The problem is, I don't know where to connect this wire to ON the
antenna. I haven't gotten the antenna yet, but perhaps some of you
already have experience with the Imax 2000.
Also, if I can't use the counterpoise, should I just plan on planting
a steel rod into the ground with a random length of wire attached to
the steel rod and the antenna, in order to ground it?
Buther Boy
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