Icom IC-R75 (R-75) Performance Upgrades by Kiwa Electronics :
#1 Must Do = Kiwa Synchronous Detector Upgrade
# 2 Should do = Kiwa Audio Upgrade
# 3 Worth doing with #2 = Kiwa High-Fidelity Audio Filter
# 4 Do only 'if' you are into AM/MW DXing then get
the "Full" Mod Kiwa AM BCB RF Attenuator Disable
# 5 Worth doing 'if' you don't like play with the Twin PBT
and simply want to select a Filter = Kiwa R75 Filter Module
My Icom IC-R75 is a few years old and has the original Kiwa Mods :
* Kiwa Synchronous Detector Upgrade
* Kiwa Audio Upgrade
* 3.8 kHz IF Filter Upgrade for 450 kHz AM-Sync
(not available any more)
hope this helps ~ RHF