Record the Strange Sounds on the Airwaves
Well, the links that I provided were regarding the so-called "Conet
Project" which was nothing more than some dudes who collected/compiled
various recordings "number station" clips from the Cold War era. The
first link is just some info on number stations in general, the second
is for where you purchase the 4-CD set, and the last is where you can
download the spy number clips in *.mp3 format.
I guess it's something to listen to when you're reminscing about
Brezhnev and that sort thing.
As for the "Conet Project", I believe that, for a time, some of those
counter-culture and wannabe counter-culture youths found it fashionable
to pass these number station recordings off as "ambiance music." After
they had duly impressed one another by displaying their fashionable
taste for the stuff, I'm sure it got old for them quite quickly, and
they moved on to somethin' else.