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Old October 22nd 05, 07:21 AM
mike maghakian
Posts: n/a
Default has the world gone crazy ? (Ebay as proof ?)

in the past month I have observed the following crazy auctions:

a Sony 6800 without the original box or accessories go for over $2000
a Drake R7 in unknown configuration and condition wiithout the original box
for over $2000
A Sony ICF-2010 go for over $1100
A Sony 6700 without original box is currently over $500 and still going
A Radio shack DX-302 go for $275
A Sony ICF-5900 without the original box go for over $500
and there were others

these people have some serious screws loose !!!!!!

is it a sign of the end of all sanity ??? first global warming, now this

should we all see the chicken little movie ???