Thread: 4 sale REVISED
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Old October 22nd 05, 10:38 PM
Robert Kubichek
Posts: n/a
Default 4 sale REVISED

Radio Specialty Model 1179-22-1 Repeater-----------------$ 50
Appears to be complete, minus crystals.
I have no way to verify operation.
Has 2 settable PL tones...
Outside of case is scuffed, but inside is very clean!
Repeater is in a wall mountable battleship gray cabinet,
that is 4" deep by 13.5" wide, by 21.5" tall, and is
around 30# in weight. It is a VHF base/repeater used by
the BLM out west...
It also has on the front cover, I-5YACC, then under it is
271, under that VHF REPEATER. There are a lot of FCC type
acceptance # all over inside, plus the maker, and maker's
partial address, and part # for transmitter, and receiver
NO documentation.

2 Kenwood TR-7950-----------------------------------EACH-$ 80
Each comes with mobile mount, and 1st sale gets the
packet adapter. Are in very good shape, but do not include
the TU-79 PL boards which are available at
They will not come in original box, and if I do not have
the manual, I will photocopy, or pdf one (your choice)...

Standard C468A LNIB-------------------------------------$ 75

LinkXcel PS-141B 4 port KVM Switch with 4 cables---------$ 65
-Like New- This is the PS2/VGA model -No manual-

Pioneer DRM-602X Scsii cd changer that uses Pioneer------$ 15
audio cd carts.

All items will include manuals unless noted.
Shipping is NOT included on any item(s).

Pictures of some radios can be found at
I will have all items on line as soon as posssible.

Robert Kubichek N9LVU
1502 South 10th. Street
Manitowoc, WI 54220-5706