Improving airband radio reception
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October 23rd 05, 03:59 AM
Dave Holford
Posts: n/a
Improving airband radio reception
Aircraft on the
ground are barely readable, the Tower is slightly better but still I
can only make out 25% of what is said. In general flying aircraft are
better, with 25% being very clear, but equally 25% being worse than
the tower.
This is not an uncommon situation, I have encountered it in a couple of
places I have lived.
The tower transmitting antennas may very well be quite a distance from the
airport and if they are on the opposite side to you, or shielded by hills
of buildings you could very well have problems.
Aircraft on the ground will likely be often blocked by buildings.
Airborne aircraft will usually be in your line-of-sight and easy to hear,
but if they are low and on the far side of the field could pose a problem.
At my location I can hear most traffic at four airports:
One is very close and I can hear everything.
The others are some miles away and although I can hear aircraft until they
are quite low I loose them on final approach or on the ground. One tower is
very weak or inaudible. the other two just are not there.
Just because there are lots of antennas on top of the control tower, or
near by, does not guarantee they are the ones used for normal transmission.
Several towers I have worked in only use the antennas on the roof for
receivers or back-up transmission. the main transmitter site was usually
some distance away.
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