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Old October 23rd 05, 10:46 AM
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Default Improving airband radio reception

wrote in message
Looking around at Yagi's the largest selection is obviously for the
amateur bands. How much gain will I loose on airband from a 2M (144Mhz
ish) Yagi? Somehting like this maybe:


The loss will be considerable. Yagis are quite narrow band. For a few
bucks/pounds/euros you can buy some aluminium tubing from a hardware store
and build your own.

If the countryside around you is reasonably flat, it makes sense that you
are having trouble hearing GA aircaft. The top mounted antennas are barely
5ft off the ground, the belly antennas merely 18" off the ground. That's not
a lot of antenna height. Most GA aircraft coms run less than 10W.
