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Old October 24th 05, 02:01 AM
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Default High Q caps for 60 Khz loop antenna?

"TRABEM" bravely wrote to "All" (22 Oct 05 23:58:10)
--- on the heady topic of "High Q caps for 60 Khz loop antenna?"


60KHz really isn't all that demanding. How about polycarbonate,
polystyrene, or mylar? The cheaper the better for receiving.
There are 0,22uF and lower standard value caps in all the above types.
Polystyrene are possibly the more stable but more easily damaged by
the heat of soldering. Just heatsink the lead with needlenose pliers
as close to the body as possible while soldering.


TR Xref: core-easynews

TR What caps should I use for a resonant loop antenna for VLF? I have
TR some antenna plans and need .2 uf total capacitance to resonate a loop
TR antenna at 60 Khz.
TR Any suggestions for 50,000 pF caps that don't cost a fortune?

TR Note that this is a receive only antenna so voltage rating and current
TR carrying capacity are not an issue.

TR Thanks.

.... A mind is a terrible thing to ...oooohhhhh, pastel Wonderbras.