the FBI believe it or not as you choose Stevie
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October 24th 05, 02:02 AM
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the FBI believe it or not as you choose Stevie
On 23 Oct 2005 15:46:34 -0700,
On 23 Oct 2005 05:47:59 -0700,
On 22 Oct 2005 14:32:54 -0700,
On 22 Oct 2005 09:08:36 -0700, "N0VFP" wrote:
in the day since I made this report I have recieved reports the Wisman
AB8MQ is whiny trying to make me think he is N0VFP and the the later
is threatening so I will make trouble for N0VFP on AB8MQ behalf
WTF are you saying, stupid?
read it and find out
If CIA crytographers read it they couldn't figure out what you were
trying to say,
you gravely under estimate the CIA littleboy
You don't get sarcasm, do you Marky? Or will you claim to be a KFC
"Colonel" with the CIA, now?
neither I just claim the same to use it myself
Another lie, Marky?
no I use sarcasm myself
No, you babble on incoherently.
plain to see
We know, you illiterate moron.
the style I use is called "deadpan" for reason unknown to me
The style you use is "sniveling moron," which is what you are.
wrong again
Oh, what a clever response, Marky. ------now that is sarcasm.
you illiterate son of a bitch.
I will report this line of thought to the FBI when next they and I
speak ( as pormised to try and devlope more leads for her)
Yeah, like you are part of their crack undercover team, KFC "Colonel."
no I am not part of the FBI
Just on their most watched list.
not that I know but then I would not know of it, but prehaps I am on
such a list but I doubt it. I am not anyway near important enough to
merit such attention
No, you are not important at all, to anybody.
meaning you kew you were lying in claiming i was on the FBI mst
watched list
No, you are just not that important.
something I alread knew
BWHAHAHAHAHA, Nice confession, stupid.
but you admiting it makes your staement "Just on their most watched
list." a lie and you lair but we knew that too
Not as big a liar as you are.
perhaps you are on that list, but for now I doubt it
Perhaps you should pull your head out of your ass.
again it would have to be there first and I am no where near that
Keep it up there, then.
I don't care however
Then why are you going on and on about it?
I will press the FBI to help me get to the bottom of it, whereever the
trail leads
Probably for you at the bottom of that Thunderbird bottle.
I will not care if N0VFP gets questioed I hope he does,
the same for AB8MB
the same K4YZ
Hope you like a class action lawsuit, Marky.
for what?
the only class they could form part would be of hate filled bigots
For your defamation, Marky.
"Defamation" Stupid. Even when it's in front of you you screw it up.
what are you talking about?
Read it again, stupid.
It is a plain fact that folks mentioned have facts involved in such an
It is plain to see you lied about the whole thing, Marky.
Truely I would advise you to not think that, for your own sake
STFU, liar.
I don't take your orders and Truely I would advise you to not think
that, for your own sake
You lied about the whole thing.
that is no defamation
Want to bet?
that I Believe K4YZ is guilty of actionable crimes might be
defamation, but it is true statement that I have made before
Too bad you spend all your money on booze, or you would do something
about it.
action on Crime requires the aid of the State not something i can buy
( or at least not without comitting the crime of bribery)
WTF has that got to do with anything, Dodgeball Marky?
you don't understand a victum has to convince a DA for a crime to be
I'm sure he won't put much stock in what you have to say, retard.
Run away,Marky.
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