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Old October 23rd 05, 11:45 PM
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Default Your not alone with black unrest

On Sun, 23 Oct 2005 20:30:54 +0100, "The Magnum"

wrote in message
.. .
On Sun, 23 Oct 2005 16:30:05 +0100, "The Magnum"

Well, after hearing the many problems of the people in NO i just thought

let you know your not alone with the animal instinct instilled in many

communitys and their insistance to riot and kill.
Last night in the UK's second largest City some residents of Lozells in
Birmingham took it upon themselves to riot, smash things up and set
cars/buildings alight. Not content with that certain people in the group
decided it was a good idea to stab people and at least one person was

with dozens injured.

Why is it so many black and asian people cant control themselves and live
decently in a democratic society. Why do they think its their right to do
the things they do above. In the Birmingham area and as with most large
councils and people go out of their way to support and nuture black and
asian communitys and even let them build their mosques and pander to

religious beliefs and write legal council documentation in multi lingual
tounge, but still they segrigate themselves, and riot, loot and

for any reason.
Enoch Powell warned the politicians decades ago about the rivers of blood
which will flow in our streets due to immigration but he was scoffed at

branded a screaming racist...... seems he wasnt actually far off the

my my Muslims are givent he free in britain to build mosques how

gee why don't you wake up and smell what you are shoveling

What i am shovelling? you mean the truth.

No I don't

I mean your hate filled bull****

.. and why would i need to wake up.

it would certainly help if you were awake while youwere posting

You obviously live with your head up your backside and dont see whats going
on around you and in the world you live in.

wrong agian on all counts

I just don't see it the way you think I should, big difference

BTW ive seen your other postings
on here and believe me, your opinions count for nothing so go play on your
other threads.

obviously they count enough that you don't want them posted

For anyone actually interested and not wanting to w--k in public like kb,
the riot started over an alleged gang rape of a 14 year old immigrant.

so ? your point?

you think a gang rape esp of a 14 yo is not something to get upset

sick man realy sick

the methods were of course counter productive

indeed the worst case of doing something undersatndable but stupid was
in Toledo where NAZI's were going to protest attacks by Blacks street
gangs on white. Yes that should **** folks and make em mad, but the
reaction of the Black street gangs atackk the (white) NAZI's while
understandable on some level was stupid

is the level you are dealing with with these scumbags. Defend them if you
want but id like to see hanging brought back in.

i refer the negltmnto answer I gave a monment ago

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