OT Attention DP ''It Can't Happen Here'' Maus
U.S.fed govt = Anarchy.Anarchy is Exactly what U.S.fed govt is Right
Now! When I Joined the U.S.Army on October 28,1962 at the U.S.Army
Recruiting place that was on Capitol Street in beautifull down town
Jackson,Mississippi,,, I raised my right hand (I placed a ring upon
herrrrrr fingerrrr,,, onnnnnn herrrrrr left handdddddd,,,,,,,,, the one
she said she would save forrrrrreverrrrrrr,,,,,, is gone on the
otherrrrrr handddddd,,,,,,,,) and I did the Oath.Seriously,,,, though,,
I have been rethinking things,, if y'all get me driff? I have always
believed in Sabotage.(I know a lot of mean,very mean,dirty tricks too)
(I could F... up this Country BIGGGGGGG TIMEEEEEEE,if I wanted to)