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Old October 24th 05, 08:32 PM
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Default Enterprise calling Earth

Saggytits Lee whined:
On 24 Oct 2005 05:20:36 -0700, Secwet Woger wrote:
: eyebrow raise
: The logical assumption is that the Trekkie has drank too much Saurian

rolling eyes

Drunk on Sunday again, fake Christian fatass Davies?
Or are you just rolling your eyes because you head is so far up your
fat ass?

more cut and paste he added to to make it look like he is the author flushed.

You should follow your own advice, **** for brains. Ah, who am I
kidding you thought a website for an ARES group in Alabama was one for
a ARES group in West Virginia.

"****UP Lee" geography idiot and imbecile
****s up
as usual when he thinks Marshall County, Alabama
and Marshall County, West Virginia are the same place in message
" Then what is at doodle
It sure looks like the Marshall County ARES, and it even has a place to
send email."

Saggytits Lee steps on his own tiny dick when he tried to correct
somebody else's English use first by saying one "operates" a dictionary
instead of reading it, then uses "things" instead of "thinks" in

"Translation: Woger can't figure out how to operate a dictionary, let
correct someone else's language.But that's not surprising from someone
who things that..."

Saggytits Lee manages to fumble again when he tried to backpedal on his
improper use of words by once again mangling the sentence in reply
"The word "operate" can be a synonym "use" in certain contexts"

Staggering Drunk Lee, the "Pulitzer prize award-winning writer"
the following Ebonics in :
"I hope yourself takes the advice you are giving to yourself."

Saggytits Lee ) talks out of his fat ignorant
ass again in:
"did you know, Woger, that some of the anonymous remailers are operated

by the CIA?"

****up Stagger Lee proves he's as ignorant of
music as he is in everything else when he utters the following
stupidity in :
"Eric Clapton even wrote a song about Leila!"

"Stagger Backpedal BOY Lee" blathered more
idiocy when he tried to backpedal out of his ****up in message
"On one of the most complete web sites of Eric Clapton music
(, we read that one
of the selections is:
2/01 Vidal bagnoschiuma Eric Clapton "Laila"
which is, of course, a different composition than the more familiar
"Layla" that SWR Boy was trying to discuss. Composed during a Clapton
visit to Helsinki, it was inspired by a gracious host named "Laila" --
the wife of then Assistant Ambassador David Heil."