Thread: IC-27 schematic
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Old October 25th 05, 02:59 AM
Fred McKenzie
Posts: n/a
Default IC-27 schematic

In article .com,

I'm looking for a schematic for my Icom IC-27A.
A service manual would also be nice if anyone has one.


I found a schematic and an owner's manual listed at

You can find it if you first choose on ICOM at the left side of the
screen, and then choose MANUALS near the top of the right side of the
screen. The IC-27A is quite a ways down the list.

I downloaded the schematic, which was just over a megabyte. It shows
everything on one page, which you probably couldn't read if it were
printed on an 8 1/2 X 11 page. However, it has sufficient detail if you
zoom-in to a higher magnification.

73, Fred, K4DII