I am turning the asylum over to the inmates
Dan/W4NTI wrote:
I've come to the conclusion there is no sense in continuing this alleged
discussion with Markie the Moron, or his buddies, Frankie the CBer and
Lennie the Loon. Not to mention LLLloooooyyyyyddd and of course Roger
So I am turning the nut house over to you.
Dan, you have no such authority to turn over anything, yet share in the
blame for the group being overrun with escapees from the State Mental
Institution. Why have you and Steve even engaged some of these folks?
I brought this up with Steve and you a year ago, but you know Steve...
you can't tell him anything. Probably because he's got a second or
third screen name and is part of the problem. And there you are
trading tit for tat in long long, threads where you are the only one I
even recognize. Why can't you exercise a little personal restraint and
ignore the whacko's?
Now that you and Steve have found these whacko's a permanent home on
RRAP, you think you can just "turn it over" to them. Thanks.
Best of luck