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Old October 25th 05, 05:35 PM
Chuck Harris
Posts: n/a
Default I was way way stoopid - need to unepoxy sumpin

wrote in message

I did a very stoopid thing.

I hollowed out a capacitor and epoxy in a new snap in capacitor inside
the old can. I didn't use the proper voltage rating capacitor and now
I have to un-epoxy. Any ideas?

I already called myself stoopid so no need to duplicate efforts there.





Acetone will soften some epoxies. So will heat...smoking hot heat.
It would probably be better to drill out the old capacitor, or just
call it a learning lesson, and get a NOS cap from Surplus Sales of
Nebraska, or Antique Electronic Supply (AES). Between the two of them,
you can get just about any old cap ever made.

Also, why epoxy? It isn't like the capacitor needs to be really strong.
Use hot glue next time. Always think reversible.
