On Tue, 25 Oct 2005 15:06:23 -0400, Michael Coslo
KØHB wrote:
"Dan/W4NTI" wrote
I've come to the conclusion there is no sense in continuing this alleged
discussion with Markie the Moron, or his buddies, Frankie the CBer and Lennie
the Loon. Not to mention LLLloooooyyyyyddd and of course Roger Wiseass.
So I am turning the nut house over to you.
Sounds like a plan. I'm outa here too. Will the last radioman to leave make
sure the door is locked and the lights remain on for the patients who remain.
Yaknow, I've been finding myself ignoring more and more threads lately,
until I find that 90 percent of the posts are filtered out.
Anyone interested in a bbs? I can set one up with none of the garbage
that Yahoo pins on ya like advertisements and tracking cookies.
We can declare defeat, and turn over the group to Len, Brian, Mark, and
let them declare victory! 8^)
I sopose you can declare defeat if you like, in part of course it will
be adknowleding what all the NoCoders have known for years
and of cours e you can go off and delude yourself that you are
discusiing something
others have tried I wish the saem luck
- Mike KB3EIA -
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