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Old October 25th 05, 07:27 PM
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Default Your not alone with black unrest

On Mon, 24 Oct 2005 23:30:07 +0100, "The Magnum"

wrote in message
.. .
On Mon, 24 Oct 2005 19:37:42 +0100, "The Magnum"

wrote in message
.. .
On Sun, 23 Oct 2005 20:30:54 +0100, "The Magnum"


my my Muslims are givent he free in britain to build mosques how

Its not the mosques that are at issue, its the Asian intolerance to

outside their culture.

then why did you bring em up

**Because its the asians and the blacks who are having a go, did you not
read the post...

I read it

your point?

Many asians have absolutely no interest in western
ways and will not bend on ANY issue. Black people actually made the

and learned the language and tried to fit in... at least the older ones

Most of the younger ones have now got huge chips on their shoulders and
think they have the right to everything and if they dont get it they

the race card.. The asian groups and the black are now at loggerheads
because of culture clashes and lack of respect towards others and their

of life. Its not a black/white issue in Lozells, its a black brown/issue.
Many Blacks see the asians "seemingly" getting a better deal than they

and they dont like it.

gee why don't you wake up and smell what you are shoveling

What i am shovelling? you mean the truth.

No I don't

I mean your hate filled bull****

How can speaking about what actually happened be seen as hate filled

with your tone and choice of words

**Nothing wrong with my choice of words. Maybe they just werent "Liberal
limp wristed" enough for you...

not a liberal at all

I am a conservative but not a reactionary racist one

Why are you so afraid of offending someone when they **** all over
you and stab you in the back? Are you too frightened to speak out about


not afraid but no one stabed you in the back and I can be onjective
and accurate about reporting facts

**In which way was i not accurate?

no one stabed you at all

as you said the balck and asians had issues and they dealt with em

scared you might be called a racist bigot?? well im not scared pal.

obviously you aren't which is a god thinkg in your case

**Someone needs to stand up kb as you seem to be cowering under the

you need help with your vison too I see

.. and why would i need to wake up.

it would certainly help if you were awake while youwere posting

Yes, if i was half asleep id be making loads of spelling mistakes like

huh kb..... or are you just a bit dyslexic and your going to have a go at


till you get a better newsreader I am not going to try and shift
through that crap

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