"David" wrote in message
On Mon, 24 Oct 2005 15:39:48 -0500, "MnMikew"
"David" wrote in message
.. .
On Mon, 24 Oct 2005 12:56:55 -0500, "MnMikew"
"FDR" wrote in message
.. .
"Somebody Somewhere" wrote in message
David wrote:
(Sarcasm): Yes, God forbid that White people should stick together
their own interests, feel proud of who they are, and love their
race. Only non-Whites should be allowed and encouraged to do so.
Everyone knows that Whites are the most evil race ever to walk the
of the earth, and deserve extinction. (End sarcasm)
What these 2 girls are doing is great. I applaud them and their
parents. I look forward to buying their CD. I'm sure their music
reflects a much higher IQ level and refinement than savage rap and
Hate is hate. Don't matter where it comes from.
But the stuff Sharpton and Farhakan spew is good hate.
Sharpton and Farrakhan are both kept alive by secret right-wing
donations because they embarass the left.
No, there kept alive by stupid people who believe their crap.
And who are those people? Do they have any money?
I would imagine that Sharpie and Fraudakhan have fleeced they pretty good by
now. Anybody who belongs to Rainbow Push is also a sheeple.