No, unfortunately not. The Icom 703 does, which is also a QRP rig
(low power). I chose the FT-817 due to it being easy to modify - it's
just a software mod, and the software is FREE.
Buther Boy
On Tue, 25 Oct 2005 22:26:08 -0400, Vinnie S.
On Tue, 25 Oct 2005 20:28:45 -0500, Buther Boy wrote:
I think I have you on this one lol. My Yaesu FT-817 gets out 1.5
watts on AM and 5 watts SSB. But, I have yet to get a respectable
antenna connected, so as to talk any skip. It's coming, though...very
soon. :-D
Does that come with an automatic tuner?
Vinnie S.
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