Frankie of Silliland: A Coward Who Lied To And Stole From His Country Lectures About "Integrity"
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October 26th 05, 07:53 PM
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Frankie of Silliland: A Coward Who Lied To And Stole From His Country Lectures About "Integrity"
"Stevie claims to personal the govt, again"
WTF was that, Markie?
On 26 Oct 2005 09:26:24 -0700, "K4YZ" wrote:
Frankie of Silliland wrote:
On 26 Oct 2005 03:58:45 -0700, wrote in
Frankie of Silliland wrote:
On 25 Oct 2005 17:33:29 wrote in
The concept of "One Shot One Kill" is still the principle
technique taught to all Marine recruits.
More horse#### from Gunny Dudly.
No...More lies from Frank Gilliland. But then you've made a
career of lying, haven't you...?!?!
More projection from Gunny Dudly.
YOUR words have cemented THIS into the archives, Frankie!
You lied. You stole from the government which is to say you stole
from me. You swore an oath that you had no intention of keeping.
now you are really crossing into new territory
you have no way of making that statement
Sure I do.
That lying SOB swore an oath to support and defend the
Constitution, wherein he ALSO swore to obey those appointed senior to
He freely brags about having disobeyed orders and subsequently was
court martialed...Not once, but TWICE, for his conduct.
No one, save for you, is projecting anything.
One of the reasons the 5.56mm round was chosen...(SNIP)
...was the same reason other rounds are chosen...To kill the
If that's what is required to accomplish the mission.
If it's not, why are the only targets used to train Marine
riflemen (and all recruits) head shots and "center mast", or chest
PLEASE, Frankie...Show me SOME reference to targets and USMC
training resources that say "...just shoot for the arms or legs".
making up claims for frank again
Frank suggests that it's NOT a Marine's job to kill his enemy.
Follw the thread back and read for yourself, Markie.
Just one...?!?!
And STILL does not change the Marine Corps' practice of teaching
"one shot one kill" to recruits.
Except that such a policy ISN'T taught to Marine recruits. It's taught
in sniper school, but not in boot camp.
Sure it is.
Perhaps if you'd paid a bit more attention in Boot you wouldn't
have had such a hard time later on in your "career"...
Maybe if you had -attended- boot camp then you would have had a -real-
military career instead of a fabrication in your mind made up with
bits and pieces from bad novels and war movies.
Frank, you're a documented liar already.
Where he swore to uphold his oath, and his frequent assertions
that I did not serve in the United States Marine Corps, among others.
Oh I am sorry oposing you is proof that you are lying I forgot
Nope...You asked, I told you.
And Frankie's only reason to be in this forum were to try and
"undermine" my USMC service claims on your behalf.
Why continue the charade?
YOU have NO BUSINESS critiquing ANYone's military service, let
alone mine.
he isn't sure there is anything to critique
He's an idiot. You two have a lot in common.
off hand I think he is mistaken on that count I think you had one. one
of keeping your head down covering your ass (big job there I guess)
and avoiding anything that might lead a big decision
And therein YOU'D be wrong again.
But then it's a habit for you.
It's incomprehensible to think that you never fired one after 18 years
in the Corp (and, of course, seven hostile actions). "And in that we
have even MORE evidence that your claims of military service are
It's "CORPS", non-hacker, since you're pointing out typos
yourself...And ESPECIALLY since you're doing so to try and make some
argument that I didn't serve in that CORPS.
I'm pointing out your typos to further demonstrate the fact that you
are a hypocrite. Feel free to point out -my- typos to your heart's
content -- it doesn't bother me at all because, unlike you, I don't
profess to be the newsgroup spelling cop.
Hey! We have ONE thing in common! I don't "profess" to be the
newsgroup spelling cop either!
you are right
you are just not honest enough to fess up to what you do
after all nothing is your fault
I do my best to make sure I have my bets covered, Markie. That's
just a prudent thing to do.
Frankie claimed I "profess" to be the "newsgroup spelling cop".
That was a lie. I've never done it.
That I correct YOUR spelling does not make me the "newsgroup
spelling cop"...It just means I am prodding you to bring your writing
skills up to at least late grade school or junior high school.
All that stuff you would have learned if you had graduated beyond the
yellow footsteps. But you didn't.
Why are you lying, Frank?
I won't answer a question the requires me to accept a premise that is
not true.
The fact is that I DID "graduate beyond the yellow footsteps".
I've provided more than a few references that any reasonably
"connected" Marine, ex-Marine, retired Marine or just plain old Joe or
JoAnn Citizen could corroborate as true.
indeed I think you serve as to the quality of that service or wether
you were chaeting Us Sam out of your paycheck is a another matter
Yet another collection of words that need to be re-arranged into
something comprehensible.
You? You "profess" to have been a Marine, but even by your own
admission were a ####bird of one, unable to keep your act together for
just ONE enlistment...let alone four.
indeed here you explain a lot about yourself
Nope. I have a Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal with four bronze
stars on it (Not THE "Bonze Star"...the small attachments that signify
a multiple issue of the same award)
accusastion is the same as guilt which has become your SOP here in
RRAP and likely in real life
The "guilt" is Frankie's and is from HIS admissions, Markie.
Probably for the same reason that you can't admit that you never
graduated from MCRD.
Platoon 2100, 03 Sept 74 to 20 Nov 74, Frankie...Just like I've
said before.
Oh, that's right.... and ending with your "medical retirement" in '92.
Sure thing, Dudly.
And yet another example of The Coward of Silliland trying to blow
off facts.
The base library at MCRD keeps a copy of every platoon's
"yearbook". Theya re available in other forums.
Look it up or acknowledge that you're the punk I claim you to be.
again you want other to your work
Try that in English.
is this what you did in the service always tell other to do your work?
What "work"...???
He claims I didn't do something. I provided verifiable references.
You freely drop names like LtCol Oliver North as if you were old
drinking buddies, yet can't seem to find simple information from
archives you also claim to have access to...
What's up with that?
Frank, let's face it...
You're just a punk. You were a punk in the service, you're a punk
now. And with your present attitude, I am sure you'll die a punk.
Awww, you hurt my feelings, Dudly.... sniff
What feelings?
Feelings are characteristic of human beings.
ah yes noone you dislike is even human
You and Frankie are high on that list, however you have a track
record that substantiates my claims.
borong Stevie and showing you off in the bad light we RRAP'ers have
come to expect for you
No...Only you, Brian, and Lennie. Frankie's not even a regular
here...Just a lurker with a competency and confidence deficit.
Back under your rock, non-hacker. It's where you belong.
Steve, K4YZ
I'd rather be a punk under a rock than a fantasy-prone hypocrite.
Maybe someday you will set aside your delusions long enough to
understand what 'integrity' means..... but I doubt it.
Frankie, you're a liar, a coward, a cheat, and in my NOT so humble
opinion, a thief. Being lectured by a punk like you about "integrity"
is obscene.
you got something right you are not humble but then NO ONE has accused
you of that here, and likely nowhere else either
I didn't say anything about MY "humbleness", Markie...
But there you go showing off that English comprehension problem of
yours again....
Steve, K4YZ
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