Help on coaxial toggle switch
Just in case you don't find what you are looking for: Dow-key makes nice
coaxial antenna relays, and many of them have an additional set of contacts
that can be used for muting. I see eBay has bunch, many of which are new.
Thanks, but I have plenty of relays, Amphenol-FXR, Dambury-Knudsen, Thotsu, Transco, Radiall, Dow-Key, etc. etc. The nice thing of the toggle switch is that its male UHF connector can be directly screwed onto the transceiver UHF connector, and moving the small lever you can select two antennas. Very small and handy.
I have two of those toggle switches, bought around 1980, but I would like to buy more now. Noone seems to sell them!
Tony I0JX