Thread: Pricing Source
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Old December 3rd 04, 04:04 PM
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"patgkz" wrote in message
Do your own research by accessing "completed" auctions of the same unit.

You'll find out real quick what something is worth. Most old estate junk
isn't worth all that much, anyway. Test equipment is a dime a dozen on
ebay and goes cheap.

I'm busy culling my tube collection right now. Am in the process of
throwing away a full 40-gallon garbage bag full of worth less tubes you
couldn't get a nickle for on ebay or anywhere. Most with 3, 5, 8 volt
filaments, TV-type tubes.

You really feel like shipping a 100V? I don't think I could even lift one
anymore, let alone bother packing one to survive UPS!

Good luck!

"KØHB" wrote in message
I am preparing to help the widow of an SK ham liquidate his equpment and
parts inventory. Lots of 60-70's stuff (CE 600L, 100V, and similar
vintage, including test equipment). Probably will go eBay route. Where
is a good source of pricing info to help set the "reserve price"?

73, de Hans, K0HB

MANY sellers - state they know "nothing" about the stuff which doesn't help
OR start out with some asinine starting price trying to get rich off the
damned thing - something they know nothing about! They could be selling a
piece of **** and not know it. They think people are dumb enough to bid.
Well, some are! But - most aren't. Not serious buyers anyway.

Spelling is another. Some may do it to be cute. To me it is a turn off. It
shows stupidity, not cute. ESPECIALLY when they mistype the name of the item
and it is in front of them staring them in the face, given they've taken a
picture of it. EDIT the damned ad.... If they can't spell, they should use
some program with a spell checker to make the ad, then upload it.

BE HONEST like the other gentleman said..... You'll do well. I too think
you're doing a wonderful service. There are some, I know of one in
particular who offers his service and gives the sellers (owners) pennies on
the dollar then sells it for as much as he can get, sometimes a good deal -
given the prices of some boat anchors, and he lies through his teeth to the
original sellers and then to the buyers. I know - I've heard of him and seen
him in action! I hope you're not following his lead. This poor ole lady
needs the help of a trusted friend, not some prick - she's in enough pain
already. I've often thought of making a nominal price sheet for my stuff, I
sure wouldn't want my Service Monitor or whatever to be taken for little
cash, when my relatives could have gotten more. Yes, age, working and
condition will play into it, but I'll advise them to check other prices
"before" selling.

I've sold a good bit on E-Bay - and carry a 100% positive feed back. IF it
is junk - good for parts, I say so. If it is good, I describe it to the best
of my ability. I've sold "some" items as "parts only" - with happy buyers.
I've sold much more good stuff with happy buyers. HONESTY is what is
important. They may come back to deal with you in the future for other
things OR refer others to you. E-Bay can be a good friend if used properly.