Thread: FAQ
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Old October 28th 05, 08:18 AM
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Default FAQ

"Cmdr Buzz Corey" wrote in message
DrDeath wrote:
"Cmdr Buzz Corey" wrote in message

DrDeath wrote:

I doubt he knows as much about radio than I do. And from what I have
read of his posts, his IQ is certainly lower than my 147

147? Yeah right.

I realize that it is hard for you to comprehend that, with me being a
CBer. Challenging a belief system can be tough. Like your belief that all
CBers are to stupid to pass the ham test, that we sit around all day
swilling beer and saying "ten-fer good buddy". Or my favorite belief you
hold, "I have a ham ticket, that makes me special."

I find that those who brag about their IQs is about all they have to brag
about. I know people with IQs higher then yours who couldn't find their
way to the bathroom and back without help, so what does you IQ prove?

I only pointed it out to show that you believe those that use cb radio and
those with no ham ticket are intellectually inferior. So yes, I proved that
quite clearly.

As far as knowing more about radio, I converted my first transmitter, a
Heath DX-60 from controlled carrier AM (you even know what controlled
carrier AM is without looking it up?) to high level plate modulation (you
even know what high level plate modulation is without looking it up?). I
once designed and built my own SSB 80-10 meter transmitter plus many other
pieces of ham equipment. Also constructed a 15 meter three element beam
using gamma matching (you even know what gamma matching is without looking
it up?). What have you designed and built for your 'good buddy ten-fer
ther' cb hobby, mister IQ?

I don't need to look up any of those items.
I am in the process of building a ssb radio to match the linear I built last
year. Though I am certain I spend a great deal less time working on those
types of projects as I have other interests in my life.