"KU2S" wrote in message
On Sat, 04 Dec 2004 16:52:04 GMT, "Mel A. Nomah"
I am helping a nursing-home-bound elderly ham sell off his equipment.
of it is old equipment of "collector" status which I have no idea of the
value. Trying to find out a proper starting price for eBay auction, I
on a QTH.NET reflector of that brand for estimates of the reasonable
but did not ask for bids.
Well done for your assistance to the present owner, a fellow enthusiast, in
their 'hour of need' by providing to them what is probably a younger and
stronger back and your time and effort.
Would it be that we will all have such a good neighbour when needed!
And you are also supplying expertise and a care and concern that would not
be provided by a typical auction company or a bailiff, 'settling' an estate!
My comment/suggestion would be that within a reasonable limit of time and
effort you should encourage the owner to get the maximum for the items.
Whereas if you do sell it as a block to a single buyer they will probably
resell most of it for a profit?
The cynical may say that 'The nursing home will get the money'! Maybe; but
the owner deserves the ability to buy the maximum benefit from what is most
likely their lifetime of collecting, conserving and contribution to the
hobby and to society generally.