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Old December 5th 04, 05:42 AM
Posts: n/a

"Yardleyite" wrote in message
Hello All,
Would anyone have a good used 203A tube for sale/swap? I need

for a transmitter project.
Please send all replies to:

Best Regards,
Joe Cro N3IBX

I vaguely seem to remember that number!
So I might have one in a box somewhere, condition unknown, left over from a
1937 Marconi radio site that shut down in 1956. Does that sound right?
I don't promise anything but I'll have a look next day or so; and if I can
find, you are welcome to it.
email as above if you don't hear from me.
Terry. A few miles from where, in 1901, Marconi received the first
Transatlantic wireless telegraph signal.