On Fri, 3 Dec 2004 15:04:56 UTC, "Moneyman"
... I've often thought of making a nominal price sheet for my
I haven't finished it yet but I have started a binder that lists a
reasonable price for each radio as well as the location of
"accessories", the manual, the spare parts, dead parts, cables, etc.
Perhaps someone will really want that leaky electrolytic that I
replaced. I don't restuff electrolytics in the Heathkits.
I still have the electrolytics that I've pulled out of the SB-303's
and they should go with the radio.
I've sold a good bit on E-Bay - and carry a 100% positive feed back. IF it
is junk - good for parts, I say so. If it is good, I describe it to the best
of my ability. I've sold "some" items as "parts only" - with happy buyers.
Occasionally someone will list an item as "guarenteed dead, if
this radio starts to work within 10 days, return for a full refund."
If they list the details and include good pictures, I bid on these
aggressively. I've found myself in heated bidding wars with other
"fixers" who either want the parts or the challenge of refurbing the
One junker SB-303 had a good S-meter, power transformer, cabinet,
back panel, SSB and CW filter, and LMO. Lots of good parts that I'm
using to fix up other SB-303's.
de ah6gi/4