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Old October 30th 05, 02:13 AM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a
Default Frankie of Silliland: A Coward Who Lied To And Stole From His Country Lectures About "Integrity"

On 29 Oct 2005 03:29:24 -0700, "Gunny Dudly" wrote in
. com:

snip proof of comedic ineptitude
It would have been a matter of record in an Artcle 15 proceeding,

Wrong again, Dudly. The proceedings and evidence are not recorded for
an Article 15, only the 'crime' and punishment.

Wrong. Idiot.

Well gee, Dudly, how would you know? Since you are so knowlegable
about such things, what page in the SRB holds the transcript of an
Article 15 hearing? And for that fact, what page is used to record
crimes and punishments?

Dumb, Frankie...really, REALLY dumb.

Well, maybe you should take that up with the attorney who was
appointed to my case and made that recommendation.

And all the attorney COULD do was RECOMMEND.

YOU were the one who had to make the DECISION, Frankie.

Where did I say anything to the contrary?

Don't try and slide out from under YOUR mistakes, frankie.

I made no mistake, Dudly -- it is -you- who doesn't know squat about
the UCMJ.

"Vindication" only in that you allow yourself that "warm fuzzy"
for it. It has no legal bearing.

Wrong yet again, Dudly: It had enough "legal bearing" to change the
status of my discharge.



But the CONVICTIONS still stand.

Yes they do. I seem to recall having said the very same thing several
posts ago.

Convictions that may
keep you from federal contracts and/or security clearances should you
need one for contract work in the future.

They haven't been a problem so far. My security clearance has never
been revoked. I had a job cleaning a bank while working my way through
college. I also had a contract a few years ago to design and build a
custom security system. I even have a concealed weapons permit. And I
have no plans to start a new career in law enforcement. So I guess the
only problem is the one you created in your imagination, Dudly.

And it was your second OFFENSE..."infractions" are dealt with at
Article 15. You, by your own admission, blew that off.

More semantics..... gee, I'm devastated. Really. And I mean that.

There's no "semantics" to it, Frankie. And I could care less
about how "devastated" you are. Your lack of Honor and honesty are
"devastating" enough.

I haven't been honest about my military service? Hmmmm.....

The Marines did the best possible thing with
you...sent ya packin'.

That might have been true had they not asked me to extend for a
West-Pac float with 2nd AAV, but I declined.

See..that's where we part ways, Frankie...My service never had to
be UPGRADED to Honorable...It was that way all along.

Uh-huh. Sure thing, Dudly. That's why you claimed to have been
discharged for medical reasons, huh? Probably because you are in the
early stages of Alzheimer's......

Your lack of grasp of the facts is hillarious.

It's in the google archives, written by you, in your own words. If it
isn't a fact then you lied. If it -is- a fact then you are lying now.
Either way, you just proved once again that you are a liar.


Yet another snip-job -- too bad you can't address your failures.

Poor redirect to others "failures" in order to mitigate your own


You're the expert.

Steve "Weekend Warrior" Robeson, K4YZ

Don't look now but the medals on your uniform are tarnished.

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