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Old October 30th 05, 03:32 PM
Steve Reinhardt
Posts: n/a
Default Improving the Drake TR-3

I just repaired my TR-3, and put it on the air. I'd forgotten what a
nice rig it is. Now, I've started to think about how much better it
could be. What if one was to rip out the entire frequency control
section (VFO, xtal osc, mixer, etc) and replace it with a DDS
synthesizer. It turns out that the display would fit in the opening of
the tuning dial. There would be excellent frequency stability, no
backwards tuning on 20M, 2-3 less tubes to save heat and power. It just
wouldn't be a Drake anymore...

And don't get me started on a lightweight switching supply to replace
the AC-3. I might do that anyway, since I wouldn't be destroying any

So, what do you all think? Is this a Good Idea, or a Bad Idea? Should I
try to find a cruddy TR-3 and do the surgery, or am I just being silly?
Your comments and critique are welcome (he says, ducking for cover.)

If I should go ahead, does anyone have a TR-3 (or TR-4) that's fairly
complete, but not working, they'd like to sell me as the basis of this?

Call me Dr Drakenstein!
