Thread: My new R-1000
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Old October 30th 05, 01:17 PM
Mark Sherman
Posts: n/a
Default My new R-1000

You may recall my recent posts while I tried to decide which tabletop
reviever to buy.

I found a Kenwood R-1000 on eBay so I decised to buy it. Cost me
US 287.00.

As far as I can tell, it appears to be in very good condition. Smooth,
postive action on the knobs and switches.

I can,t revieve anything above the 11 meter band but I never could
so I don,t think it a fault in the radio. I could be wrong but I
don't think so.
I only using an indoor (on an inside wall) random wire antenna. I
need to set up a good outdoor ant.

My question is on the antenna connection points on the radio.
There are SW A and B connectins and a MW connection. The manual
says that an antenna should be connected to MW for freqs under 2mHz
and to use the SW connection for freqs avove 2mHz.

I find very little improvement by using the SW connections for any
I find great improvement when using the MW connection all the way up
to the 11 meter band. This is not how the manual says it should be.

Is this normal? Is the manual wrong or is there a maybe a fault in
the antenna connect points on the radio?

Can I connect the same antenna to both the SW and MW points at the
same time. That would basically be jumping one to the other.

What's with the dial calibration ring. There's nothing to calibrate,
it's just a log scale (I think).

Answers to those couple of questions would bring me inline with what
appears to be a fine radio.
