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Old October 30th 05, 05:37 PM
Steve Reinhardt
Posts: n/a
Default Improving the Drake TR-3

gb wrote:
"Steve Reinhardt" wrote in message

I just repaired my TR-3, and put it on the air. I'd forgotten what a nice
rig it is. Now, I've started to think about how much better it could be.
What if one was to rip out the entire frequency control section (VFO, xtal
osc, mixer, etc) and replace it with a DDS synthesizer. It turns out that
the display would fit in the opening of the tuning dial. There would be
excellent frequency stability, no backwards tuning on 20M, 2-3 less tubes
to save heat and power. It just wouldn't be a Drake anymore...

And don't get me started on a lightweight switching supply to replace the
AC-3. I might do that anyway, since I wouldn't be destroying any hardware.

So, what do you all think? Is this a Good Idea, or a Bad Idea? Should I
try to find a cruddy TR-3 and do the surgery, or am I just being silly?
Your comments and critique are welcome (he says, ducking for cover.)

If I should go ahead, does anyone have a TR-3 (or TR-4) that's fairly
complete, but not working, they'd like to sell me as the basis of this?

Call me Dr Drakenstein!


Steve -

There was a TR-3 parts rig on eBay (may still be there) that would be a
starting point for such conversions.

IF you want DDS, then build it outboard and use with TR-3 like the old
external VFO for TR-3 was used.

Remember a few point about these "conversions"

Removes value (zero) of radio for anyone but you. It is rare for a "major
conversions" that you described to raise the value of a radio.

With your time and $$ .. go build an Elecraft K-2 .... you won't be


My proposal will surely result in a worthless radio, from a resales
perspective. That's why I need to start with something of little worth,
and why I'm reluctant to dig into mine. It's not the prettiest, but it
is working and largely original. Someone already got the mike connector;
it's a standard 1/4" now. Most of the rest seems faithful to the original.

Still, it would be interesting to have the 300W input, and smooth AGC of
this unit with modern tuning. I'll save the truly modern stuff for my
R2-PRO and T2 system. The IQ-Pro DDS is almost ready...

Thanks for the pointer on ebay. I'll check it out!
