Beerbelly wrote:
On Mon, 31 Oct 2005 04:22:11 GMT, m II wrote:
Beerbelly wrote:
On Sun, 30 Oct 2005 09:10:46 -0500, dxAce
m II wrote:
Mark Sherman wrote:
I found a Kenwood R-1000 on eBay so I decised to buy it.
Sorry for the dxAce/Cuhulin style multiple postings, but this may be of
interest also:
You wouldn't know sorry if it crawled up your dingle-berry encrusted ass and
decided to spend a cold hard Canucky winter, you stupid 'tard.
He knows the inside of his mom's boney butt! hahahaha
hahahaha.....when you got thru lickin I was stickin.....
you go canucky boy!
Tracy Fort's necrophilia and a deceased seventy two year old cancer
victim, who happened to be my mother:
I'm not drunk. I haven't finished my first 12 pak yet.
I'll get there and when I do it's back to the cemetary.
How far north did the Katrina effect? I saw someone's mom floatin down
the mighty Mississippi!
Dug her ass right up! She was too damn ugly to have sex with before
she died. The old bag o bones fell apart in my hands! She didn't
complain about much either other than the lousy sex she got from those
foursomes with you, Mike and her husband.
love dem bones....dem bones....dem bones
rattllin' bones!
Skeleton rides 50 cents a pop! If you can stand the smell....I wonder
is she stunk that bad in life?
She is very fresh but not that fresh!
hehe...I love dem bony women....rotten to the core.....
Please accept my apology for abusing her. I'm sorry that I did not
toss her back into the black depths that she came from. Next time,I
will be sure to take care of that. I promise that I will refill the
hole with the dirt that came out too. In addition, I will re sod the
plot at no additional charge. Let me also apologize for the milky
substance in her left eye socket, that was an unavoidable accident.
please feel free to include this post in your sig file!
You might as weel keep it up there...I love the ole boney bitch!
Dem Bones! Dem Bones! Dem Bones! I loved playing dem Bones!
Dem Bones! Dem Bones! Dem Bones!
I loved playing dem Bones! I ran my fingers uo and down dem bones and
she began to come alive!
I played dem bones like they never been played and she smiled for me all
the day.
Pork and bones....
DON'T HURT CANADA! I'll miss those nights with the ole bony lady!
The most fun I ever had!
Sporting a new moniker (GraveDigger) just for you and mommy...
He knows the inside of his mom's boney butt! hahahaha
hahahaha.....when you got thru lickin I was stickin.....
M/Sgt. Tracy Fort 116 AMX
250 Martin Luther King Blvd.
Robins ANG,
GA. 31098-2009
This .sig file will continue until Mister Fort posts a sincere apology
to all cancer victims and their families. His refusal to do so says more
about his attitude and upbringing than any of his thoughtless and
hurtful postings in He seems to be very proud of
the fact that he can buy expensive radios using the refunded deposit
money from his empty beer containers and has frequently posted the fact.
It appears he is well on his way to purchasing his next radio. Anyone
caring about his well-being should mention the good work of Alcoholics
Anonymous to him.