Old Xmtrs, "Ancient Modulation" and Modern Amps
Uncle Peter wrote:
The BS meter is pegged.
Is that why the call you use "Peter k1zjh" is fake? From Qrz. com - The
callsign K1ZJH is not in our database.
You gonna use a callsign make sure it is valid - just like this response:
.................................................. ...........
Uncle Peter wrote:
The problem is a ham linear will not deliver 1000 watts carrier
power on AM. It would have to be rated for 4kW to do so.
PEP on AM is at least 4X carrier.
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Everyone knows cept you that legal limit AM is 375 watts carrier...
I just dislike self proclaimed "experts" that know little and show it on
usenet under fake calls.
You made a real fool of yourself this time Peter k1zjh......
And YEAH, I got a ham license, all those nice private emails I received
with thoughtfull answers, got my call....
Lazy Senior (no fake call - you wanna know who I am - private email me)