On a sunny day (Tue, 01 Nov 2005 03:22:31 GMT) it happened "John"
wrote in
You mean one of these:
Interesting, gave me some nice idea - lightning coming and leaving -
This could be done if acoustical and EM radiation sensitive (count seconds
between flash and sound).
Low frequency sound, add electret.. similar to my design for the helicopter
finding missile, but now only one electret (helis are easily found by sound,
no radar needed), but that is a whole other story).
But 'one of those' NO.
First let's look at my battery consumption: 33 uA (micro ampere).
So, 33 uAh in a couple of AAA 500 mA rechargables gives 500 000 / 33 = 15151
hours of operation, or 1.77 YEARS not 100 hours as that competition.
And that is on rechargebles, and I am not even using sleep mode...
On normal batteries with sleep mode it should outlast the battery storage
lifetime several times.
And mine is PROGRAMMABLE, there is NOTHING like this is the currently known
You can easily add your own ideas - algos- .
And then there is price, any self respecting amateur electronics bastler
these days has a PIC programmer, a PC with MPLAB, or some other soft to
program that PIC, the PIC costs 1$, the other parts : junk box,..
So, DIY super cheap super programmable super clever super low power super
lightning detector for a super low price.
No [it is a] great project.
Theirs is designed for outdoors???
Mine is especially designed to sit next to you while you sleep to let
you know the lightning is coming from MILES AWAY **without false alarms
to wake you up** so you can disconnect your antenna.
No mine is better :-) MUCH better....
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