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Old November 1st 05, 04:48 PM
William Mutch
Posts: n/a
Default BC-221 as VFO ??

At last spring AWA meet I picked up a homebrew novice transmitter
of unknown provanence. It has a close resembleance to the one in the
1976 Handbook (except that it uses an electron coupled 12BY7 instead of
a 6DK7) and was built by a fine craftsman who did a first rate job on
it. The previous owner got it at an estate sale and didn't know who
built it.

Last weekend I got around to bringing it slowly up to working
voltage on a variac and tuning it into a dummy load with a variety of
Xtals. The 6146B final will deliver between 40 and 60 watts to the load
on 80, 40 and 20, but I had to stop testing before I got up to 15 meters
as my Tek 922 scope expired.
Since the rig will deliver power to both 40 and 20 I thought to
see if I can put it on 30 meters, but I haven't any Xtals which will
multiply into the band. I thought about using my BC-221 as a VFO.

Will the BC-221 provide enough volts out to stabilize the xtal
oscillator ??

What would be the best way to cable from the output of the BC-221
(some previous owner added a pl-259) to the xtal socket of the rig ??
It sees a 47K resistor to ground from the grid and is DC blocked by a

I need to assure myself that the BC-221 will not be damaged.

Has anyone ever done this ??