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Old November 2nd 05, 01:18 AM
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Default Frankie of Silliland "Stretches" For Something To Hold On To...But Can't Get A Grip

Frankie of Silliland wrote:
On 31 Oct 2005 06:18:22 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote in
On Sat, 29 Oct 2005 02:04:36 -0700, Frank Gilliland

Let's talk about standards, Dudly....(SNIP)

what you going on about?

For once you've gotten something VERY right, MARK.

And let's take this "standard" thing a bit further....(HUGE SNIP)

You have never disclosed your reservist status

reservist? Stevie boy is reservist?

Nope. Except, as I clearly noted, my 4 months as "Delayed Entry"
prior to going active in September 1974.

It was a wild stab in the dark by the disgraced, court martialed
liar, Mark.

I am not calling you a liar Frank but it would be nice to back this up

He can't.

Sure I can.

No...You can make silly allegations (hence your nick-name of
"Silliland") that are just pie-in-the-sky guesses.

"Proof" would be some document that actually showed my reserve
status above and beyond the Delayed Entry period...

The problem for YOU is that nothing of the sort exists.

Your DOD record confirms your service from '74 to '92 (yes, that's
only 18 years, not 20 years as you claimed when you wrote, "I spent 20
years in the Marine Corps to give people the right to exercise their
freedom of choice, and it hurts me to see so many people exercising
their choice to be apathetic!"), but it doesn't distinguish between
active or reserve. It -does- confirm your MOS as an avionics tech. It
-doesn't- indicate that you were in any medical field, in which case
you would have been a Navy Corpsman, not a Marine Gunny.

Uhhhh...Looking for that reg wherein US Marines are not allowed to
keep personal pursuits while on active duty...

And you make reference as to what my "DOD" (properly DoD) record
states per my MOS's, but you and I BOTH know that that same record
shows nothing but active duty service (Delayed Entry

But this conflicts with your 1998 claim that you were a "former 10
year+ EMT", which would make you an EMT -prior- to 1988, more than
four years -before- you "retired" from the Corps.

Uh huh. Six, actually.

Thee are a LOT of Marines who are EMT's...Both as Crash-Rescue
personnel on MCAS's and as "off duty" pursuits.

My first EMT card was in Pennsylvania in February 1986. PA
EMT-MAST 014402. Followed up by EMT-1A in Orange County CA in June of
1986. I also held National Registry (took that test at the hospital at
MCB Camp Pendleton) It has/had nothing to do with my MOS...Just what I
was interested in doing.

BTW...I received a CG's Certificate of Commendation in 1988 for
life-saving from CG Third MAW, then another one from the CG First MAW
in 1990 for a second event...

That EMT training came in handy!

Also, in the late
'80s, (before moving to Arkansas, home state of your second wife and
your state of residence when you allegedly "retired" from the Corps in
1992), you worked in California as an ER tech at "Hoag Memorial
Hospital Presbyterian in Newport Beach, CA", which would be virtually
impossible if you were also on active duty as an avionics tech.

Uh....No...Why would having a part time job less than 10 miles from
the base where I was stationed at (and 1.5 miles from where I lived...)
be a problem?

Are all those Marines who work part-time jobs in Jacksonville,
Oceanside, San Diego and other USMC-base associated cities doing
something illegal?

Is working part time as an ER tech any different than working at
Taco Bell, singing in a church choir or participating in the Big
Brothers/Sisters programs...?!?!

The ONLY way you could have been educated, trained and gained
experience as an EMT while in the Corps is if you were a reservist.

How is that? Did I violate some MCO in my 18 years by leaving the
barracks and participating in non-USMC pursuits?

"Leatherneck" used to publish ton's of "human interest" stories on
Marines who did exactly those things....

Is it YOUR contention that all of those Marines were NOT "real
Marines" because they did something that wasn't associated with their
official duties?

All this information is publically available from what -you- have
written on Usenet. Of course, you can always use that "my account was
hacked" excuse, but that doesn't explain why you claimed to be in the
Air Force Auxilliary, a retired Marine Gunny, and signed your posts
with "Semper Paratus" (Coast Guard motto).

Uh...Actually I use "Paratus et Vigilans", a personal motto which
means "Prepared and Vigilant".

Did I miss some law that says once someone uses a latin word in
THEIR motto, no one else can use it...?!?!

Nor does it explain your
interest in pirate radio, star gazing, or your hunt for ET. Clearly
you are one very confused individual, Dudly. And as more than one
person has previously noted, you are clearly a paramilitary-wannabe
and a hero-wannabe.

I see you harbor the same "hate anyone who does more than I do"
sentiments that Lennie and Brain do...

Of course you managed to screw up the one paid "uniformed" job you
held, so I guess no one should expect you to be involved in any kind of
"uniformed" volunteer work, huh...?!?!

There's plenty more information that is publically available about
you, but I think I made my case -- using -YOUR OWN WORDS-!!!

So far, you've not "proven" a single thing.

Unless you can show me where NO OTHER MARINE EVER worked a part
time job, went to school off duty, followed "personal" pursuits that
were not part-and-parcel of thier USMC duties...?!?!

Geeze, Frankie...That was a loooooooooooooooooooooooong stretch,
want' it...?!?!

BTW, what happened to your first marraige? Were you lying when you
took those vows before God?


I didn't tell you?

He also dodges following up on all of the references I have

See above.

I see you trying to stretch some things real far, none of it
causing even "collateral damage".

That's because in doing so he'd have to eat crow...A LOT of

Although for Stevie to be Carrer Resvist? National gaurd would make a
lot of his #### make more sense now you bring it up but do you have
more than that

He has NOTHING, Mark...No "evidence", no facts, no justification,

Wrong. I have your own words and some basic math skills.

Then it seems you also have some comprehension issues and need a

That's all I
need to prove that you are a liar.

Uhhhhh....How's that?

So far all your "math" has proven is that while I was on active
duty I ALSO had non-USMC pursuits. What part of MCO's were therein
violated? Other than during Typhoon Condition 1A on Okinawa, I never
spent one minute on Barracks Restriction, and even then THAT was
"island wide".

Frankie...You should try out for the part of the guy in the comic
book "Fantastic Four" that can stretch like Silly-Putty, because you
sure earned the opportunity here today!

Lastly...The Marine Corps, as do all the services, heavily recruit
and covet their various Reserve assets...The USMC in particular
requires the same degree of qualifications of their Reservists as they
do their active duty components.

This is not something I made up, but a matter of public record and
USMC policy.

I should know...I helped train Reservists at various times.

So...that having been said, even if I HAD been a Reservist, I would
have had to meet the same standards as the Active Duty forces...

And considering those same Reserve (and National Guard) forces are
carrying the same load as their active duty counterparts in Iraq right
now, your "suggestion" that I may have been a Reservist as a negativism
is ludicrous and assinine.

Steve, K4YZ