November 2nd 05, 12:36 AM
Australian Terrorism LAWS OUTED
Good idea to arrest everyone on Terrorism charges,
then have them prove their Inocent . . . . Right ?
See this film...
Keith and Phil at AussieSeek.com Political Messageboards wrote:
« Reply #111 on Today at 10:58am »
AussieSeek seeks your Views at
TEST of the nick ECHO
Your time in the SYN BYN is over and you are released
with a full pardon
All multi name Bans from ISP XX XXX are removed
on both boards
I can not return the name Albert to you as you did not protect it as
you refuse membership and it has been stolen by another person who has
been asked but will not give it back
No Guest names can be protected so your problem
is self created as your views create angst among many here
At last. A Posting of quality and substance, For some months its been a
case of watching the dog chasing
when Id much prefer to watch the dog being chased,
I havent checked the lunar calender mind you
But thank you anyway
« Reply #110 on Today at 8:05am »
Today at 2:48am, Eddie wrote:I know I'm a bit thick but will JH try to
put my mind at rest by telling me how these new laws will work to
protect me and my family.How come the Opposition is going cap in hand,
tugging forelock, and saying yessir we'll pass it 'cos most of the
Nation don't give a f**k as long as the price of beer doesn't go up and
they can watch Dancing with the Stars or some forensic fiction show. A
mate of mine said the thing missing from Howard's face is a toothbrush
moustache ,and he wasn't talking about Oliver Hardy but Germany in
1933.Next the Trade Unions ,Oh he's started allready hasn't he.
I've just read Roseanne Catt's book, 'Ten Years'.
She was falsely accused of attempted murder by a corrupt NSW Detective
- Peter Thomas, who had been disgraced before her trial.
The Judiciary completely failed in their duty of care as legal
oversight of the trial process.
She was the longest serving woman prisoner in NSW.
It is still a public disgrace that this woman's witnesses are still
being victimised.
If the new Terror Laws come into effect there will be many more
innocent people put in gaol because they got in the way of corrupt
In fact the new laws institutionalise the process.
It can happen to anybody, any-time.
Australia will have prisoners of conscience also.
Author Topic: Australian TERRORISM LAWS (Read 489 times)
Posts: 81
« Reply #109 on Today at 7:11am »
Today at 5:55am, Heidi wrote:
Today at 2:48am, Eddie wrote:I know I'm a bit thick but will JH try to
put my mind at rest by telling me how these new laws will work to
protect me and my family.How come the Opposition is going cap in hand,
tugging forelock, and saying yessir we'll pass it 'cos most of the
Nation don't give a f**k as long as the price of beer doesn't go up and
they can watch Dancing with the Stars or some forensic fiction show. A
mate of mine said the thing missing from Howard's face is a toothbrush
moustache ,and he wasn't talking about Oliver Hardy but Germany in
1933.Next the Trade Unions ,Oh he's started allready hasn't he.
As Robert Menzies said in 1938:
" Mr. Hitler has a lot of good ideas. I've enjoyed my study of the new
Germany, and I can say that we in Australia have a great deal to
Then in 1939:
" As a result of Great Britain declaring War on Germany, Australia is
now at War with Germany also."
Good thinking Bob!
Then Menzies proceeded to break the sacred understanding cast in WW1,
that Australian Troops would only fight under an Australian Commander.
My Dad was livid at that !!
He'd lost his father in the twenties, to the gas eating his lungs away.
He always said that Tobruk was won because Australian Troops were under
Australian Command - Sir Leslie Morehead.
My Dad thinks Howard is worse than poison!!
Like Menzies our Johnnie has put Australian Troops into a situation
where their Command is that of a Foreign Power, albeit an old ally.
Now we have Marshall Law being rammed through Parliament, and an
inadequately trained and staffed AFP meant to do all the dirty work.
Mick Keelty must have many misgivings over his new Gestapo role in
Australian society. He isn't a Himmler or a Heidrich, and certainly
doesn't want to end up like they did.
The New Terror Laws are guaranteed to create more enemies than it
Instead of being able to easily know who's doing what as it is today,
there will be created a new form of 'active dissent' which is based on
action rather than words, because words get you in trouble. It will be
argued that you will probably get away with actions..
So the very thing these new laws are meant to suppress, will actually
be magnified, by their adoption.
Civil Society is based on civility between people, not dominance, fear,
and distrust. Polite communication is the key to gaining good
intelligence surely.
Letting people talk is surely the best way to know what people are
Letting people let off steam a bit is surely better than having it
build up.
The Aboriginal People of Australia were 'moved' by the 300,000 people
marching over the Sydney Harbour Bridge to honour the suffering and
injustice and the making of a massive gesture to say - " SORRY "
Weren't our troops serving overseas afforded some protection by the
500,000 people at the NO WAR rally in Hyde Park Sydney? The people of
Iraq must have got the news of that.
The simple emotional response of the people of Australia to the Tsunami
tragedy of Aceh, had a big effect on the President of Indonesia did it
The Laws of ' Conspiracy ' are well entrenched in our Crimes Act. It is
simply against the law to conspire to perform an illegal act. Modern
surveillance equipment is so good that evidence for such conspiracies
is not hard to obtain. These are practical police matters, not matters
of law.
Police could do with a bit of civility too.
They don't deserve to be sworn at and abused.
They face physical and moral dangers with which many of us would find
great difficulty in coping.
In my experience, a bit of politeness goes a long way, with the
necessary assertivenenss of course.
Police are human beings who respond to kindness, just like anyone else.
Thankfully, their name is generally not defined for them.
Po - Lice , the lice around the toilet pot(Po), comes from the East End
of London, and described the 'Peelers'. It became so well-used that
like O.K. it stuck and it's original meaning became irrelevant.
These proposed Terror Laws will betray the police of Australia, and
make them hated living symbols of our lost freedoms. They don't deserve