Markie Assumes Role Of RRAP Moderator...Demands Others Do As He Says...OR ELSE!
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November 2nd 05, 06:18 PM
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Markie Assumes Role Of RRAP Moderator...Demands Others Do As He Says...OR ELSE!
On 2 Nov 2005 08:46:27 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
stevie stop trying to hide your attack post by contastnly making new
What attack?
YOU'RE the one with this "board of nursing" charade to cover your
ego for not getting what you want.
And If I want to create 1000 new threads today, I'll do it...Just
as YOU could if you wanted to.
On 2 Nov 2005 06:44:05 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
"N9OGL" wrote:
Oh just like when you got those emails from me, when in fact they were
not from but a hack job and you had me kick off of Consolidated. You
even admitted on here that those letters weren't from me....right steve
you ####ing lying piece of #### I hope you rot in hell you ####ing
Todd N9OGL
14.321.00 MHz
Quit your ####ing cussing god ######.
Nice shot, Markie...You told him...
And got both profanity and blasphemy in one line...How does that
figure in to your arguments about respecting other's religions...?!?!
Stevie that you (or your supportedrsforge a post from from me and then
attack me for it is un important
What in the world was THAT...?!?!
Were you saying something about forgers? Supported by whom?
If you were refering to YOU, HOW CAN ANYONE TELL...?!?! You have
half a dozen screen names you DO use...How is anyone other than you
supposed to keep track of what really is you and what isn't...?!?!
Now that you've made your deamnds, care to answer the question?
Steve, K4YZ
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