On 2 Nov 2005 10:21:50 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
On 2 Nov 2005 09:18:37 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
On 2 Nov 2005 08:46:27 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
stevie stop trying to hide your attack post by contastnly making new
What attack?
never mentined attack
Sure you did!
did I sory my mistake
"stevie stop trying to hide your attack post by contastnly making
new thread"
was refering to you efforts to hide the post and
slip it past me by starting a another thread
but you lie again in your title
No I didn't.
yes you did
You uttered a command!
You stated "stop trying to hide...."
but i never said "or else"
Nowhere in there did you say "please stop" or otherwise give any
option. You made a demand.
Markie Assumes Role Of RRAP Moderator...Demands Others Do As He Says...OR ELSE!
YOU'RE the one with this "board of nursing" charade to cover your
ego for not getting what you want.
another lie Stevie
Was that yet another "forger" that copied my Nursing license data
and then initiated the "pinging" thread, also "suggesting" I don't
respond lest I be determiend to be "witness tampering"...?!?!
nope IO was giving you the chance to verfy I had the right refference
before I called them on this past onday
no charade
And If I want to create 1000 new threads today, I'll do it...Just
as YOU could if you wanted to.
never said you could not
Sure you did! "stevie stop trying to hide your attack post by
contastnly making new thread"
no ever you could not
I asked you to stop being a lying coawrd, for your own good, not mine
I am neither, as you are about to find out in court.
you are a lying coward
You dropped this bomb on "Mrs" Markie yet? What does "she" think
about you having to spend household money on lawyers for this? Which
bills won't get paid, groceries bought or medicines obtained because of
I read her most of the best part of your posts
she thinks it alas may be needed as a part of the fight for socail
justice in the world
but no bill will go a begging for it
we might need to restrict your luxuries for it
And Markie...it IS going to cost you!
more threats
stop lying the nursing is not going to like that either
Markie Assumes Role Of RRAP Moderator...Demands Others Do As He Says...OR ELSE!
Steve, K4YZ
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