From: Frank Gilliland on Wed 2 Nov 2005 08:19
On Wed, 02 Nov 2005 05:17:49 GMT, Dave Heil wrote
Frank Gilliland wrote:
On Wed, 02 Nov 2005 04:43:18 GMT, Dave Heil wrote
I'd imagine
No need to say any more -- that pretty much sums it up.
It surely does. It pretty much sums up all of your imagining, guessing
and assuming about what Steve has and hasn't done.
Dudly gets himself in hot water and it's Dave to the rescue!
It's the on-going Pro-Code-Test-Advocate Morsemen alliance
working hard with the PCTA Double Standard. :-)
Davie KNOWS things. He worked in the Department of State!
He served IN a country at WAR! [busy doing MARS at Tan
Son Nhut]
I can't yet figure your motivation
I don't know why -- I've clearly stated my "motivation" several times
in plain English.
Irrelevant, Frank. Davie DEMANDS MOTIVATION (when he runs out
of valid/coherent replies).
Davie DEMANDED that I "should" have gotten an amateur radio
license BEFORE EVER getting into professional radio. Implied
that it was the proper thing to doubt showing
MOTIVATION to HIM. Tsk, the U.S. Army didn't know that...
but you've admitted being a screw up
in the military. It looks as if you're out to smear the service of
others for whatever reason. Most of us who served managed to get
through a hitch without an Article 15, much less a court martial.
One more time, Dave: I wasn't exactly the 'model Marine', but I did my
service and I did it well (despite Dudly's imagined version of the
facts as recorded in my SRB). I am no less proud of my service than
any other Marine. And like any other Marine, I find it reprehensible
when someone like Dudly makes false claims about his "career", fudging
the truth in order to get a little more praise.
Frank, I've NO problems with your pride and espirit d'corps
about the USMC. It shows. It also shows you have no qualms
about stating what you did without embellishments,
embroidery, or exaggeration. You are telling it like it is.
Davie and Dudly sin by omission, leaving out the details of
their exploits.
Davie was HIGHLY CRITICAL of MY service in the Army, of NOT
being "at war" or even IN a country at war. When I voluntarily
enlisted on 13 Mar 52, there was a very hot war going on in
Korea. The Army didn't send me there directly, stationed me
in Tokyo beginning in early February, 1953, a sort-of cease
fire then in Korea. The formal Truce period began in July,
1953. [that "Truce" period has NOT ended...technically, a
state of war still exists with North Korea 52 years later]
Why is Davie so critical? Tsk, a long time ago in here I
mentioned being assigned to work at the (then) 3rd largest
Army radio station in ACAN (the worldwide Army Command and
Administrative Network...later called "StarCom" and then
Defense Communications System). HF radio. HF was the old
mainstay of long-distance message traffic in the military.
Three dozen transmitters on HF with power outputs of 1 KW
to 40 KW, operating 24/7. [Dave said "you never worked
24/7" but we did...all over the Pacific] Thing was that
this 3rd largest station was far bigger than ANY State
Department foreign station of any time in State's existance
and even helped carry State message traffic on some of the
circuits. Davie said "you don't know anything about what
State Department does!" but I did everyone who
was INTO the ACAN and DID carry some of their message load]
Davie got on a toot, adjusted his truss, and couldn't stop
condemning me in here ever since. Doesn't matter what the
subject is, Davie is so damn critical of being "opposed" in
anything he says that he does the "revenge" bit all the time
now. He is a MORSEMAN and, according to him, NO radio
amateur shows "motivation" unless they love, honor, and
obey morsemanship.
So you never got caught doing anything wrong. Hooray for you.
Something to be proud of, I suppose. However, I have a slightly
different value system. I don't rest my laurels on never having done
anything wrong (which I don't think anyone can honesty claim).
Instead, I list my accomplishments by the challenges I have faced and
overcome, whether they were caused by my own actions or by
circumstances beyond my control. And believe me, I have done both.
That's the way it is in the military. One seldom gets a
"choice" on what to do. Follow orders, etc.
Davie worked for the Department of State. "Following orders,"
then Secretary of State Colin Powell (under President Bush
the 2nd] told the world that "Saddam Hussein has Weapons of
Mass Destruction" thereby "justifying a war" in Iraq. [Powell
had been Chief of Staff of the military under President Bush
the 1st] Over 2000 service personnel killed since, absolutely
NO "weapons of mass destruction" have been found in Iraq. Has
the Department of State taken back Powell's public statement?
No. Has Davie ever taken back a single personal insult thrown
at others (many have been thrown)? No.
"Lessons learned?" Maybe.
Dudly said it himself: It's easy to get through the military without
so much as an Article 15 -- just follow orders. Now that's fine for a
reservist, where the orders given aren't much of a challenge. It's
easy to blindly follow orders. But that isn't always the case on
active duty. Maybe you forgot Abu Graib, or that incident where the
soldiers refused to make an unnecessary supply run without sufficient
armor..... or even the Iran-Contra scandal. When the orders are wrong
or illegal, as happens from time to time, it's -not- easy to do the
-right- thing and challenge authority. I consider that to be one of my
Good on you, Frank.
Davie won't let up on you, though. You see, he was IN a country
at war (busy killing commies with his MARS code key?) and knows
ALL about following orders. [the Vietnam War ended 30 years ago]
We all have to follow DAVIE's "orders." Especially the one on
The best Dudly the Imposter has come up with is "he was in
'seven hostile actions'!" Dud has NEVER said the WHEN or
WHERE of those infamous "seven hostile actions." We must all
honor and praise Dud for his valor and heroism or forever be
recipients of emotional exaggerated personal insults.
I also consider it an accomplishment to have fulfilled my military
obligation after two courts-martial and the constant denigration from
others that resulted from them, a tactic that Dudly is trying to use.
What Dudly doesn't realize is that he can say nothing that I haven't
heard before and overcome. I proved them wrong and I'm proud of that
fact. So when Dudly (and now yourself) try to use the same demeaning
tactics I can only laugh.
Dudly doesn't understand that because his mindset works in
some strange personal fantasy via his computer. He lives by
exaggerated emotional phrases (most praising himself) and trying
to do a snow job (badly) on others about his "accomplishments."
Davie is probably just looking for a word fight with his
perceived "enemies." He is of a control-freak kind and does
NOT like ANYONE telling him "no" or what to do. He MUST "win"
these word fights and be "in the right."
Dave, I have no beef with you. I didn't feel it necessary to give you
-any- sort of explanation but I did anyway. If it wasn't enough, or if
you can't understand it, tough ****. But do you really feel the need
to defend Dudly -- a retired Marine Gunny, a CAP Major, a TN State
Guardsman, and a veteran of seven hostile actions -- against me, a
****bird PFC? If you do then you are only hurting Dudly's case, not
helping it. If you are going to stick up for Dudly, fine. As far as
I'm concerned, you two love-birds can row your boat out into the wash
together and do whatever it is that makes you two happy.
I suggest they both go see the premiere of the new film "Jarhead"
(as a couple). They can both get some emotional espirit d'corps.
Dudly can use the film's fiction for better embroidery of his
"hostile actions." Davie can get the emotional thrill of doing
battle "in-country" that ended over three decades ago. That
will get them all fired up to throw more hissy fits against other
veterans of the U.S. military who don't agree with their personal