On 2 Nov 2005 11:55:50 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
N9OpenGangrenousLesion wrote:
N9OGL wrote:
Well I'm back, I've been busy these last few days rebuilding my studio
Studio?? BWHAHAHAHAHA All you have is a ####ing cassette recorder,
I wouldn't bet on it ####head, I've spend $5,000 on audio equipment.
Guess it's out of the question that you'll stop sponging off of
Mommy and Daddie any time soon then, eh?
more libel stevie that post is one for the Nursing Board I think
for the new and improved N9OGL SHOW. But I'm back and I see the normal
pond scum (Commander ##########, Stebie, and a few other morons) are
still running the same ####.
No, but now that you're "baaaccckkkk", the same old #### will
Toad's been in jail for prostitution again.
Or is his brother finally saying "NO" and find someone else to do
his dirty work?
more for the board
Steve, K4YZ
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